

Guest Reviews

Increase guest reviews and drive direct bookings.


Why It Matters

Boost Direct Bookings

Potential guests look for reviews on mega platforms like Google, not buried on your website. Help them to find your reviews and learn about your vacation rental company before they visit your homepage.

Automate And Save Time

Ask guests to rate their stay in a text message that arrives an hour after they check out. Relax knowing that our SMS Automation feature will automatically send it at the precise time and date you choose.

Cultivate Star Power

Star ratings offer an instant snapshot of your vacation rental business and help you gain the trust of potential guests. Data shows that star ratings can improve your search ranking, increase bookings and extend your brand’s reach. Don’t get left behind.


How It Works

Collect Your Reviews

Select the best platform for guest reviews — Google, Tripadvisor or Facebook. You know your audience. You choose.

Automate Review Requests

Ask guests to rate their stay with an automated text message that arrives an hour after checkout. Follow up with a link for posting a Google review or a survey about their stay as needed.

Gather Guest Feedback

Find out why guests gave their stay fewer than five stars before their reviews post. You’ll learn what needs to be improved to score more stars.



Rental Software Integration

RueBaRue integrates with popular vacation rental software. This lets us import guest reservations so you can automatically send guests review requests by text the day they check out.


Use SMS Automation to automatically text your guests review requests on a date and time you choose.

Message Templates

Create or customize our text or email messaging templates as needed to request a review.


View aggregated or individual survey responses and respond to guests by text.

What Customers are Saying

This one software has saved us hours of time in communicating with guests, and the reviews we receive almost always mention the high level of communication and details we provide.

"This is, quite simply, the tool you need. We adopted it as a way to facilitate contactless check-in and cannot imagine operations without it. A must."

Reviews of our service have gone through the roof. People are saying how easy the check-in process is and how everything they need is at their finger tips.

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