

Extend Guest Stays

Turn gap nights into moneymakers.


Why It Matters

Drive More Revenue

A vacant vacation rental home is an unrealized asset. Extend Guest Stays provides an opportunity to fill properties that would otherwise remain empty and generate additional revenue that adds up.

A Better Alternative

It’s cheaper to extend the stay of a guest who has already booked than to find a new guest for a vacation rental home. Housekeeping expenses for existing guests are also significantly less than if new people rent the home.

Quick Setup And Easy To Use

Setting up Extend Guest Stays is easy and quick. Message templates and an easy-to-use calendar showing gap nights between reservations make filling "the gap" a breeze.


How It Works

Find Gap Days

Quickly identify gap days between a departure and an arrival. We factor in when a vacation rental property is reserved by the owners and when maintenance occurs.

Select Recipients

Use our elegant, color-coded calendar to select guests who may want to extend their stays before check-in or after check-out.

Send Messages

Choose the appropriate message from the templates you create and send by text message or email immediately or at a later time and date.


Features You’ll Enjoy

Rental Software Integration

RueBaRue integrates with popular vacation rental software. This allows us to import guest reservations and identify gaps between bookings so you can send guests a message about extending their stay .

Intuitive Calendar View

The calendar view provides a quick glimpse of all guest stays, owner reservations and maintenance blocks so you can quickly identify vacant nights for extended guest stays.

Message Templates

Create SMS and email messaging templates to send guests standard messages about extending their stays quickly and easily.


Use macros to customize messages with details like guest name, arrival and departure dates.

Message Logs

Every Extend Guest Stays message you send is logged for future reference if the need arises.


See detailed reports of when Extend Guest Stays SMS and email messages are sent.

What Customers are Saying

We love RueBaRue! Their intuitive texting is the best in its class, and they have world-class customer service and fantastic people running the company.

Having RueBaRue has tremendously cut the number of questions that guests have about the home and amenities, local attractions and places to eat.

We're ecstatic about RueBaRue. We've had so many compliments from guests about how easy it is to use and how everything they need is at their fingertips. We're also getting fewer calls about how to do things.

Ready to Provide World-Class Hospitality?


Frequently Asked Questions

Extend Guest Stays helps you fill gap nights between bookings. We make it easy for you to identify gap nights and send offers to guests who are currently staying with you.
Here’s a list of PMS software we integrate with.
In addition to the guest bookings, we import owner bookings and maintenance blocks.
You can set up email or SMS templates with offers for extending stays.
RueBaRue assigns your business a dedicated phone number in your local area code, so all messages go from this number.
You can reply to guests from Team Inbox or the RueBaRue Guest Messaging app.
You can start using this feature within one hour. Just follow these three simple steps:
1) Sign-up for a RueBaRue account
2) Integrate with your PMS integration
3) Get your dedicated phone number
Yes, you can. Contact or schedule a demo for the pricing information.

Ready to Provide World-Class Hospitality?